Tomatoes cause a lot of problems in my family as well. They give Zoe rashes.
They are ont he "no" list for many autism spectrum disorders. Zoe just can't
digest them, they make her stools a terra cotta color.

Also, the last I knew, at your ordinary conventional grocery store, of all
the tomatoes to choose from, the only one which is not genetically altered
is the roma plum. This may have changed by now. This may be part of the
problem for some people.

If produce is labelled "organic", it should not have been genetically
altered. (They are trying to change this though.)

I have never liked tomatoes. I generally avoid them but Ben is addcited to
them, and eats a tomato sauce dish at least every other week. I think they
make him agitated. It's an addiction. He says, "Oh, but it is good for my

I can not imagine a world without peppers. It would take a lot to convince
me that they should not be eaten. A little scotch bonnet sauce on my chicken
wings, and I am in heaven. Capsicum is good for immunity and blood
circulation, (and libido.)
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