When I boil eggs by this method, the albumin sticks to the shell. It is
sometimes impossible to remove the shell. Ben says this happens with very
fresh eggs but that doesn't make sense to me. I am sure it's the method. It
would seem that the albumin would cook into the shell by this method,
whereas if you place them into very hot water, the outer albumin would heat
more quickly and would not adhere to the shell.
Has this been a problem for anyone else who uses this method? Also, DHA
enriched eggs' yolks never turned geen on me.

 >     Also  she has a recipe to boil eggs without turning the
 > yolk green.    :::::Put 4 eggs in one quart cold water.
 > Heat until water is at full boil.  Remove from heat  as soon
 > as boiling is reached.   Let stand in the hot water for 10
 > minutes(?)

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