From: Kathryn M Przywara <[log in to unmask]>
I was trying to come up with something Thanksgiving-ish for Alyssa's
preschool party and everything "traditional" had stuff that was off limits.
I was going to make some mini muffins, but decided to try a recipe I came
across in one of the new cookbooks I ordered from's going
out of business sale.  It's the Allergy Self-Help Cookbook.  I made one
batch that way, but it came out kind of dry and crumbly.  I looked through
my Joy of Cooking to see what improvements I could come up with.  Here is
the final recipe that I used.  I'm sure it could be pressed into a pan and
cut into squares too.  I found this Saran Wrap Junior that's like a
miniature roll of plastic wrap - it was the perfect size to wrap them in.

Carmel Rice Crispy Balls

6 c. Crisped Rice Cereal (I used Barbara's)
1/4 c. unsulphured molasses
1/4 c. honey
1 Tbsp safe margarine

Jelly roll pan - greased lightly w/ margarine
Large bowl - greased lightly w/ margarine
Candy thermometer
20 4" lollypop sticks
squares of plastic wrap

Measure cereal into greased bowl.  Melt margarine in a 2-3 qt saucepan.
Swirl it around to coat bottom and sides.  Add honey and molasses.  If you
oil the measuring cup, it will slide right out.  Mix well and bring to a
boil.  Simmer over low heat until it registers 290F or just below hard crack
stage.  This should be about 10 minutes.  Working quickly, pour hot syrup
over cereal and mix thoroughly to combine making sure all cereal is coated
evenly.  Pour mixture out onto jelly roll pan and allow to cool slightly.
When cool enough to handle and stick together, start making small balls just
larger than a golf ball.  Press together firmly and insert a lollypop stick.
Place on waxed paper until all are completed.  If the mixture doesn't stick
together, wait until it cools a little bit more.  If it gets too cold to
stick together, the tray can be placed in a 200F oven for a minute or two to
soften and become workable.
Don't do this more than twice or it will dry out too much.  Wrap individual
caramel balls in small squares of plastic wrap.