From: "Joan Daigle" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Shamefully easy meal

Hi  all,
I took a package of regular lentils, (no pre-soak) put  them in a pot with
plenty of water, a little salt, and cooked them for an hour. When they were
done, almost all of the water was absorbed. I added some GFCF salsa and
served it over corn chips  like chili- Fritos! My kids went nuts over it!
Each person 'dressed' his own the way he/she wanted. When DH came home, he
looked at it and said, "What are WE gonna eat?" But 20 minutes later he came
back and said, "You know, this stuff isn't bad." Coming from him, that is an
immense compliment, as he prides himself on being a gourmet cook.  Just
thought I'd share.


Have a great day!