
The unedited e-mail below came from a source in the Gambia.



>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Yahya Jammeh blamimg Imam Fatty for rampaging thugs
>Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000
>Sorry for not contacting you earlier. I had been away over the weekend when
>rampaging thugs took to the streets along the Brikama Highway attacking sex
>workers and burning down bars, restaurants and motels.
>Yahya upon being informed of the situation shot back with a stinging attack
>on Imam Fatty.  As far as yahya is concerned, it is the fault of Imam Fatty
>who has instigated the thugs to burn down motels, beating up on women and
>vandalising property.
>This is typical yahya.  When things get tough, he looks for scape goats.
>It is Imam Fatty's turn who enjoys no sympathy from the security forces nor
>from the APRC politicians. In fact, they are suggesting to the Butcher of
>Kanilai to get rid of Imam Fatty before it is too late.  May be somebody
>should tell them that they are already late. The winds of change have begun
>to blow through out The Gambia.  Why do you think that the once
>recalcitrant and arrogant Imam is now appealing for peace and tranquility.
>He doesn't want Gambia turn into a Rwanda.  The Ivory Coast revolution has
>a sobering effect on Imam Fatty, the security forces and their
>Commander-In-Chief.  He knows he is next.
>I have not yet received confirmation but I have been told this morning that
>Yahya has packed up a few essentials, have asked his Ukranian pilots who
>are based in Ukraine to be on stand-by and there is extra tight security
>around his presidential jet to fend off any sabbotage.
>Yahya now has four immediate problems.  After his Meet the People's tour,
>he realises finally that he is really in trouble with the farmers. That is
>the reason why he has taken personal charge of the Co-ordinating Committee
>resposible for this year's trade season.  He will fail again to deliver to
>the farmers because the arrangements for the buying of ground nuts,
>including financing, are still in shambles.
>The second problem he faces is Baba Jobe who has refused to go to Qatar as
>Consul General.  A face-off is expected which will spell disaster for the
>APRC.  One of them will have to go. I said this before, I am saying it
>again, "The show down is a matter of time".  We may not need the dossier of
>him for the Qatari Embassy in Washington after all.  Mark my word.  Third
>problem of Yahya is the recent developments in Cote d'Ivoire. He fears the
>domino effect.  The security forces are increasingly distancing themselves
>from Yahya Jammeh and his government despite those bafoons seen dancing as
>the Yahya drove by from his Meet the People's Tour.  I know, I have moles
>in the armed forces.  Finally, this weekend's rampage by thugs who are
>increasingly getting bolder and thus seen as a threat to Yahya.  Today they
>are attacking sex workers, hotels and motels.  Tomorrow, they will be
>heading straight for State House and Kanilai.
>Back to Imam Fatty, I have been told that he may be relieved of his duties
>as Imam of the State House Mosque as a result of the recent burning down of
>motels and beating of women.  PLEASE KEEP THE PRESSURE ON.  I AM HAPPY THAT

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