Greetings All!
    The Electoral Committee charged with conducting the 2000 AAM elections
hereby call for nominations for the following positions for the 2001
executive committee of the African Association of Madison:

1. Vice President

2. Secretary

3. Treasurer

4. Financial Secretary

5. (1 seat) Advisory Council Member

Please be advised that the deadline for the nominations is Thursday,
November 30th, 2000 to enable us stay on top of things by Saturday, Dec 2nd,
the day of the actual election.
   A few things to bear in mind:

    --NOMINEES and Nominating parties must be members in good standing: that
is, they must be members who have paid up their current membership dues (for
year 2000) or at the latest, be prepared to pay their dues by Saturday, the

    -- Members nominated must consent to such nominations before their names
are forwarded to the committee.

    --Each nominee must be proposed and seconded by qualified members, who
must have made the necessary contacts with the nominee.

    PLEASE submit all nominations and "secondings" to:

  Mabel Enwemnwa, Committee Chair
   at 274-6134 or [log in to unmask]

or to:
       Godwin Amegashie, Member
    at 270-1532 or [log in to unmask]
       Richard Yarl, Member
at 277-5687 or [log in to unmask]

   We are looking forward to hearing from you.

The Electoral Committee.

P/S: Please help us ensure that there is no repeat of "Florida" here. We
must conclude the elections on Saturday--no recounts!!

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