<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed with celiac disease in June --- my antibody levels were quite
high ("triple" of that of a 'normal' celiac my gastro dr. has told me).  I
have tried my very best to maintain a gluten-free diet ... i did have a piece
of b'day cake on my b'day a few weeks ago and oh my, i paid for it ... was
very, very sick to my stomach, vomiting, dizzy, etc.  Won't do that again!

I'm 39 yrs old and am 5"7.  This time last year I weighed 118 lbs ... went to
my ob-gyn yesterday (haven't had a period in 1 year) and my weight is now
106!  Needless, to say he is very worried and says i look very ill.  I take
that to heart since he's been my dr./surgeon since I was 14.  He called today
to let me know my estrogen, etc. levels were okay and I'm not in menopause
thank goodness.  My arms and legs are like sticks, ribs sticking out, the
whole schbang ... i look and feel awful.  I drink Boost Plus twice a day
(which contains no canola oil) to help supplement my diet ... I guess a phone
call to my gastro dr. is in order?  He said in June I would probably gain 15
lbs. by August ... hah!  That certainly hasn't happened...  I'm so embarassed
at how thin I've become and I would really welcome any ideas on what I can do
to gain weight.  I have had some rectal bleeding, etc. but that is somewhat
normal for me.  I've had gastro problems since age 14 and have had several
surgeries and one transfusion when I was 30 yrs old --- many cancer scares
but nothing so far ... i hope that's still true.  All I know is I look and
feel terrible.  My husband travels fairly often and we have a beautiful 9 yr
old adopted son (I've had 4 miscarriages after 4 yrs of IVF, etc.) ... it's
getting difficult to just do laundry and things like that.  I don't want to
keep feeling so lousy.  My hemoglobin was 11.6 yesterday which is actually
good for me.

Any ideas??  Please feel free to email me at:  [log in to unmask] I'm so
glad I joined this webring ... all of you are so strong and helpful.  I
hope we all get used to this new 'lifestyle' ...

Thanks for listening ...

Robin in Illinois : )