<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

sorry for the yucky question.

I am new on this list.

I was "sorta" diagnosed w/ celiac about a yr and a half ago. also lactose
intolerance. I seemed to get a lot better after a few months GF. Anyway, I am
still not sure CD is necessarily the problem, but have been adhering to a GF
diet pretty well till last spring. it is important to note that I never
became completely well, even after a yr of strict adherence... Last Spring I
just started adding things that *might* have a tiny amount of gluten in them
once in a while, but didn't look like they probably did (ie, thickeners
derived from corn, etc.).

anyway, have any of you had this symptom? It is freaking me out and I
have an apptmt to see my gastroent. next wk.... would appreciate any
fdback. thanks!
