<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List Members, Thanks to all of you who responded!  It has helped me
so much!  I received many, many responses.  I had 85 people who wrote
that they had either experienced vomiting due to celiac or had children
who did.  Some mentioned that their doctors had also told them that
vomiting could not be a celiac reaction.  On the other hand, one wrote
to say that Dr.  Joseph Murray has said in his presentations to celiac
groups that vomiting is not an uncommon symptom.  I definitely agree
with Dr.  Murray.  I have been diagnosed as having celiac with an
intestinal biopsy.  I find it ludicrous that the doctor I went to says
that I may not have celiac.

    The ages of those who have experienced vomiting varied--adults and
children both.  I was curious about this because I think my reactions
have changed since I have gotten older.  Some adults do experience
vomiting.  There were several respondents whose stories sounded just
like mine.  I felt better knowing that I am not the only one out there!!

    One person said that they didn't think vomiting was a celiac
reaction and said to get a digestive aid--enzyme therapy from hfs
(health food store?).  Since I want to find out for sure if my problem
is due to gluten, I am not going to try this yet.  (No offense.)

    Another person mentioned a homeopathic remedy called Veratrum ALB
30C that is supposed to stop gluten reactions.  If I do this one, I will
be less apt to find out what my real problem is.  So, again, I decided
against trying this for now.  My doctor prescribed medicine for my
problem, but I have also decided not to get the prescription filled.

    I had 37 responses that all said the same thing about the blood
test--you have to be consuming gluten for the test to be positive.  No
one disagreed about this.  Those who responded to this question got
their answers from reading and keeping up-to-date with information about
celiac.  Some got their answer to this question from their doctor.  Some
said that they get a blood test every year to see how they are doing
with their GF diet.  If you are consuming a small amount of gluten, it
may or may not show up on the blood test--according to one doctor.

    Other items mentioned:

        -Find a new doctor (I'll agree with that!)

        -Pain above the waist or vomiting could be due to gallstones or
gall bladder problems

        -Someone mentioned they got sick after having their teeth
cleaned at the dentist.  Fluoride had gluten--might be a good idea to
check with your dentist about this!

    I hope this helps some of you out there!  All the responses I
received have helped me stay on track!  Thanks again!!
