<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone,

I received the signed proclamation from the Governor's office today
which proclaims October Celiac Awareness Month in Illinois.

I am sending copies to my local newspapers and radio stations in hopes
of getting some publicity for us.  I was thinking that I would go to our
local libraries with info as well.  Any ideas what items might be good
to provide for a library?  I was thinking of providing a list of books,
but I know funds are limited.  Does anyone know of a way to get books
donated to a library?

The pharmacist at our local pharmacy also contacted us for information
as he is interested in adding books, etc. to his store.  Any suggestions
besides cookbooks, Against the Grain, Sully's Living Without, Gluten
Free Living?   We don't have a health food store closer than 25-30
miles, so his store would be a main source of information in our little
town of 5,000.  (We have 6 biopsy diagnosed celiacs in our town in the
past year that I know of.)

If anyone has any ideas they could share with me for other avenues to
pursue to get the word out, I would really appreciate your input.

Thank you all for your help.  You have been an invaluable resource
during our first year of being GF.

Barbara in Illinois