Judy Genova said:

>I have the same blood pressure reading as you.  One symptom of low thyroid
>function is hypotension.  I am about to begin supplementing with bovine
>thyroid glandular, so I will report back my results.  Do you also have low
>body temperature (below 98 degrees orally when you first wake up?) and a
>pulse (under 85 beats per minute).  When the thyroid is sluggish, the
>adrenal glands must overcompensate by oversecreting adrenaline.

Judy, you are so right.  I do have thyroid problem, my body
temperature has
always been on the low side (to be honest, I never checked my paulse
rate in
the past) however, I will do it on a regular basis from now on.

Since you mentioned the thyroid supplements, for the longest time I
taking Kelp from Iodine from Natural Factors (650mg) about a month ago
switched over to the brand from Swiss 1000mg since I couldn't fine my
regular brand.  That's when my dizzy spells started, maybe it's more
accurate to say about a month ago.  I will defenetaly go back to my
brand and see if I can notice any difference in my overall health.

I do eat a lot of vegetable but not so many of the root vegetables, I
do eat
a lot of the romaine lettuce, boston, endive, escarole, swiss chards,
odd time brocoli and cauliflower, I do eat a lot of fresh fruits and
for the
added fiber I drink orange juice from concentrate.  I don't eat nuts
they don't agree with me.  Also I've been on a salt free diet for over
years now.  Yesterday, my doctor told me to add salt to my cooking,
to say last night I had a very hard time sleeping.  I was itchy all
was ressless, I do believe that it was from the table salt I had used;
if I use seal salt I wouldn't get the same reaction or would I?

Thanks for your valuable information and help.
