I was talking to someone today about my diet.... I told him that I
don't eat
bread or dairy ( I kept it simple for him).

He said.... but what supplements do you have to take in order to make
up the
things you're missing. Like what, I said?

He said, like calcium.

This is such a common argument.... why do people still insist on milk
the only source of calcium? Because the dairy industry pay for
that's why.

Just so I can give a convincing argument back.... what is the best
source of
paleo calcium? I told him leafy greens and broccoli, sardines with the
bones. He didn't look convinced.

He was the sort of person that has blind faith in the medical
Shame that. It turns out that he has MS (so do I) which I found out
later in
our conversation and it's a shame he's not more inquisitive and
otherwise his MS would disappear. It's up to him.
