On Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:04:34 -0700 P & L Ventura
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Liz,
> You can use collards and kale as you would cabbage.  They're rather
fiberous raw, but they're delicious sauted with garlic and/or onion.
simmered them in turkey bone stock and ham bone stock.  Both  were
> very good.

I cook collards like I do spinach, saute in a little oil and garlic
onion.  Kale is strong enough to wrap around a chicken or fish filet,
with string and boil or simmer in stock. I also place these bundles in
shallow dish, sprinkle with seasoning, add some stock and cover with
foil.  Bake in oven and serve. My kids love these little bundles.  You
can also tear it into pieces and toss in a soup, salad or stir fry.