At 09:42 PM 10/20/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>This may be off topic, but I really gotta let off some steam.
>My 5 year old is rebelling and refuses to return to kindergarten...

 My sympathies. Judy. But kudos to you for investigating what really
on (I wish more people would - I think they would be appalled)

Your son is quite wise and must have a well developed sense of himself
realize it was not good for him to be there. You must be raising him

I wanted to offer an alternative to home schooling. I am very involved
the charter school movement, and am a big advocate. They are funded
the district, but are self-governing. You create a charter (contract)
the regular public school board to show accountability in exchange for
freedom on how to run the school. It is a bit of work to put together,
well worth it, IMNSHO.

If home schooling works for you, and you can keep it up all through
the coming school years, that's great. Or, if you wanted to set up a
charter, you could home school until you can put it in place. I would
contact other parents with your concerns, and get other interested
involved to spread the work load out.

Please email me for websites, contacts etc. if you are interested. (We
really off topic now!)

Good luck to you and your wonderful son.

"Don't let the bastards keep him down." (quote from ???)

Paleo warmth,