>Rendering ten pounds of suet was no easy task--very messy and took all
>day and into the night.  I didn't care much for the aroma either.
>Grinding jerky into a powder is impossible with my food processor and
>only a little better with my blender.  What I got was shreds, and could
>only do it in very small batches.  The end product was a rather
>greasy-tasting, cococut cluster-textured, unchewable sort of thing.
>Where did I go wrong?  I've managed to eat it all, but I'd really like
>to do it right on this second try.  I make it plain, with no fruit.
>(Crohn's and candidiasis keeps me aways from fruits most of the time.)

when i do jerky i cut the pieces of meat the same direction the fibers
going and remove most of the membranes . so it is easy to remove the
membranes left once dried ( brrak the piece and peel the elastic
for certain parts like the lower part of the  legs i leave the
beacuse it is too muh work to remove them .
when i do the powder in the blender i have to scren the shredded
from time to time to be able to get a powder. ( it is time consuming )
amount of meat i put in the blender  at on  time is crucial ( too much
too little and it is not working properly.
once you got the powder the fat will mix with it very well and will
obtain a
smoother texture (and less fatty appearance).
the native must have done a very coarse textured  pemmican .powdering
primitive way must not be as easy than the blender . ( to relativise
struggle) may be the work of doing it was as important than the
pemmican it
self to get good health.
>Any of you pemmican proponents care to step in and encourage me?  I'd
>love to be more enthusiastic about making it, since it's such a great
>convenience food for the backwoods and long trips.  I welcome your great
>stores of fat/jerky knowledge, and thank you in advance.