On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 19:19:53 -0700 P & L Ventura
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Or, you can just singe the wool off, split the head in two
> longitudinally (he doesn't say with what--an axe?) brush the teeth,
> nostrils and ears out, and boil it for two hours.  "With the
> fingers,
> eat the meat, tongue, and eyes dipped in a sweetened sauce of hot
> mustard." (Sweden)
> Bon appetit!
> Lois

When I as living in Greece many moons ago, the family I stayed with
cooking something in a large pot.  When I inquired of what is was,
told me to go look, it was a lambs head......  I thought I was going
die out of fear of having to eat such a horrid thing, (I was 15) but
luckily the head was given to an uncle who was home after surgery.
how to break a lambs skull.........  I recall reading somewhere that
skull of a lamb, if hit with a hammer, will split in two equal pieces.
Then you just pull it away and remove the brain.  I thought it was due
the skull having a split in it already, similar our *soft spot*, but I
could be wrong.

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