On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 04:26:46 -0500, Ray Audette <[log in to unmask]>

>From: Amadeus Schmidt
>> Turkey isn't a very northern latitude.
>Exactly my point.  Northern climate conditions extended far south during
>ice ages.

Well, I interpret Cordaine if he speaks from animals from northern
*latitudes* as meanig northern latitudes. And not "Northern climate
conditions extended far south".
We spoke about the fat content and not the animal count
(to see if a high meat diet would be possible at all).
I shouldn't be sooo difficult to learn about fat of horses and so on.

>..  Much of the land of Asia, Europe and Africa
>(now considered temperate) was subject to permafrost which inhibited the
>growth of trees and resulted in steppe-tundra. ..

If i get it right then this steppe-tundra is the happy hunting place
you see as the important humanity evolution place.
Described at http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/carbon11.html

Looking at such a place, i think that it really could be difficult to
there other as a hunter. With all those mastodons running around there
munching 700lbs of grass every day.
And the erectines shortly behind, fiercely throwing stones and spears.

One point is disturbing me: these large steppe-tundra occured in
Eurasia but
not in Africa. Most and oldest hominid remains have been found in
East-Africa. Would you transfer the evolution locus towards Eurasia?

>Many of the remnants of the Pleistoce megafauna ( horses,
>camels, cows, pigs, etc.) have only been able to survive in this modern
> post flood) world because of domestication ( the Covenant of the Ark) and
>depend on our eating them for their continued survival.

Horses enjoy to live in various areas, even in new environments like
Australia and America. As long as their living room is not too much
converted to acricultural areas (70% of it for "producing"
Cows are artificial breeded animals whith have not much to do with the
animal you think to survive. Do you even know it, the Auerochs?
Died out.
What have agricultural pigs to do with a wild boar?
Not more as Luciano Pavarotti with Lucy.

>Likewise don't deny Neanderthals their
>place as our ancestors based on racial profiling  ( Hitler would have loved
>DNA testing).

Neanderthals are a regional European trait of human (or hominid).
They are not among our anchestors, in my opinion.
Not only my opinion, but rather a good backed up by science (also

Neanderthals existed concurrently with modern humans, but disappeared
completely at 30000 BC.
One sole child skeleton with short legs and small chin, thousands of
after the last neanderthal disapeared is a weak indication of some
neanderthal genes living on in modern humans.
Modern humans showing up after 40000BC as top level hunters in
iced europe (not tundra) remained constant in physiognomy before and
the possible meeting with neanderthals.
It's unsure and disputed, if the genetic distance of neanderthals to
humans is near enough to enable interbreeding between them and
therefore to
consider neanderthals as the same species as homo sapiens sapiens.

The neanderthal physiognomy was well adapted to cold climates, which
is the
prerequisite to find animals fat enough.

When at 4600 a even more smaller and more gracile race of modern
entered into middle europe, they met the descendants of the previous
hunter/gatherer population there. These local h/g-population can be
identified by their thicker bones and statue in the remains of the
settlements of the first neolithic population.

You always mention Hitler and such odd politicals.
Hitler the criminal wanted to prefer one small typus of anatomical
humans, all less than 1000 generation apart (while neanderthals were
generation away). He ended up in killing a big number of exactely
"his" big,
blonde northern race in Russia, England, Germany and many other
(52 million dead).  Not to speak of the rather close brothers (Jews)
part in the European life since long.

If some neanderthals would have been left in some solitary country in
desperate times, you can guess if they would have developped similar
attitudes of superiority, or if they would have been made to slaves
like the
blacks some years before in the Americas.

Amadeus Schmidt