On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Ray Audette wrote:

> > You can't kill large animals by throwing things at them unless
> > your throwing is enhanced by the kinds of implements that didn't
> > appear until the Cro-Magnon period, 40,000 years ago and later.
> Obviously you never felt the need to wear a batting helmet while playing
> baseball ( which explains a lot - I couldn't resist;)).  A baseball can
> easily kill a full grown man.  A rock of similar weight would fly even
> faster being much smaller and thus be even deadlier.

Point taken; I withdraw the objection.  I doubt that it could be
done *easily*, but what occurred to me later was the Biblical
practice of stoning, whereby a *group* of throwers can dispatch
its prey.  I believe we are still seeing something of the sort in

Todd Moody
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