I think early man would have eaten all of the animals you mentioned,
as well
as many many plants we've never seen or heard of.  Depending upon
where man
lived, he would have made the most of what was available.  Coastal
could have caught animals with their bare hands, used parts of trees
shrubs to trap fish, stones to hit small animals, and later other

In Jean M. Auel's books, The Clan of the Cave Bears being only the
first in
a series of four, with a fifth book out or soon to be released, she
some fascinating descriptions of hunting with slings, digging of pit
and of use of carved spear points.  The sling was impressive for
down some carnivorous animals--very intersting.  (Many people have
read the
first book or two in the series, but not the entire saga....)

Although the books are fictional, and thus contain some conjecture,
they are
very well written, very engaging, and based on extensive
paleoanthropological research, talks with noted experts in that field
related fields, study of artifacts, etc.  There were so many
plants and animals eaten by the people in her books--which varied with
location and season.  You might find this interesting.

There are many meat sources beyond large prey animals... many of us
just not thought of eating such a wide variety of animals... or seen
heard of so many animals, because we live in such modern times and get
foods from supermarkets.  Even so, we can do much to vary our diets
expand our horizons.

I have eaten guinea fowl and some other types of poultry I'd not had
to eating a paleo diet.  Many people have only eaten a few types of
fish.  I
eat many kinds of vegetables that people I encounter (at the local
market, natural foods store, and supermarket) have never eaten or
recognize or name. It still amazes me!!!

I regularly encounter people who have never eaten nut butters other
peanut butter, or have only eaten a few types of nuts or fruits in
lives, or have not eaten salad greens other than iceberg lettuce; some
never eaten many of the greens, roots, shoots, or herbs I regularly

I have recently though that I might start challing my students and
to try one new fruit per week, one new type of nut, one new type of
vegetable, one new type of fish, fowl, or meat, and one new herb or
spice.....and to make a list in a notebook of what they try, how they
prepared it, how they liked it, what impressions they had, etc.  In
just one
season, they will have greatly expanded their horizons.  I will also
encourage them to try each new thing a few different ways.... as that
change the effect, taste, texture...

Well, welcome to the paleo list and to natural eating.


Rachel Matesz