I'm a lurker and don't really know how to post so I hope this is


Did Ray just say that Homo Sapiens appeared around two million years
when a new ice age began.  I've never quite heard this.

Ray did you really just want to say the genus homo?  as in Homo

I haven't studied the efficacy or the safety of any particular
And as of right now I have no opinion on the matter of vaccinations
since I
have gone through mine and I have no children on my schedule.
but I read one post stating since they and their children were eating
paleo diet that it would make them far healthier so diseases would
have less
or no effect on them.  Umm..  Hunter/gatherers throughout recorded
time have
been especially weak to new bacterial and virus outbreaks.  Didn't
Todd just
post about the Yanomani that were rapidly diminished by measles when
were introduced.(on purpose or accident, you make the call)  So don't
your diet will protect you against these ridiculously fantastic bugs
can change gene expression within a short time(that's why you should
take a full course of antibiotics,  I know writing about antibiotics
get me lynched as of what I have been reading lately on this list)

As I see it to remain disease free,  you must get a group of others
who want
to hunt, check everybody for diseases.  Move to place with no possible
vectors(Antartica maybe, but not likely)and eat penguins.  Or of
there is that wonderful plastic bubble.


Play dumb roulette,  next time you step on a rusty nail don't get a

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