On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 07:48:03 MDT, Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>

>Sorry, Schmidt, but the animals eaten by early humans were higher in fat
>that the prey of this era. ..  But the fat composition seen in these
>animals is lower than
>many of the animals eaten in earlier periods of human history, such as the

Zook, I suppose that ice age animals *were* more fatty in northern
Do *you* have any information of the fat of a
horse, mammouth, sabbertooth tiger?

As the topic is paleolithic nutrition (is it?)
like *our* anchestors were adapted to, i think the aim should be to
at the paleolithicum how *our* anchestors experienced it
over considerable time.

For this, the animals of an african savannah should be more
and this represents the main timeframe of paleolithicum.
Not some 30k years only or human/humanoid traits that have died off.

>99.9% of those of us on the list EAT MEAT (and lots of it).  You'll never
>convince the vast majority of us to give it up no matter how hard you try.

I'm not a prophet or preacher and have not the least interest or
when a few people of a small dietary fraction aiming at neanderthal
nutrition give anything up.

I *am* interested to gather a realistic paleo-nutrition picture and am
that it is not neanderthal style.
Also not vegetarian btw. but that's also not the topic.

Amadeus Schmidt