> Eating low dense, high volume, high fiber, high vitamin, high mineral --
> well I think that's real paleo.

That's real concentration camp.  The figures you quote were gathered
by the
scientists of a famous vegetarian from slave labor camps in order to
out how to keep such people alive and productive as cheaply as
These vitamin requirements assume a high load of vitamin and mineral
lectins present when you have a diet consisting of only grains,
legumes or
potatoes.  Real paleo people require far less.

Stefansson, in his experiments for the U.S. military, found that not
could solders survive on commercial beef ( Armour) pemmican for long
of time without vitamin or mineral deficiencies, but that it was the
cure for scurvy ( vit. C deficiency) available at that time.  His
were later utilized by the Luftwaffe who included a supply of Pemmican
their pilots' survival kits.

Speaking of meat, I just saw a program on PBS about Antarctic krill.
One of
several thousand species of krill, this one species combined weight
every summer is 5 times greater than all the humans on Earth.  About
20% of
them are eaten by predators such as seals, whales penguins and fish.
the remainder die when the sea freezes at the beginning of the
winter.  Only their eggs survive to await the summer thaw.  That's a
lot of
sushi rotting every year!

Ray Audette
Author "NeanderThin"