In a message dated 10/5/00 1:00:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< > How did it come about that most Americans/Canadians no longer eat
 > meats? Does anyone have the history on that one? Whereas it seems
 > parents or at least our grandparents, ate organ meats regularly. >>

I saw a special on FoodTV about a Canadian restaurant that serves all
and unusal parts.  The chef explained that this was considered poor
food.  The rich ate the (what they thought was) good stuff, and the
poor got
the scraps.  When it became cheaper through mass production, everyone
what the rich people ate.  Of course, go back years before THAT, and
organs were the delicacy for the rich.  Perhaps times will change
again, if
organ meats get expensive enough. ;)

They rerun their shows often, but I don't remember which show it was
on.  The
way she cooked everything sounded pretty good even to me, and I'm one
those who is grossed out by organs.
