> Is this a new Toffuti?  A year ago we tried Toffuti (when I didn't know
> <snip>

Yes, this is a brand new product for Tofutti this year.  It is different
from their cream cheese & sour cream products.  I don't know if they ever
made cheese slices in the past, but this product just hit the markets late
this summer.  The package says that it is milkfree, no casein, no animal
proteins, no butterfat, all vegetarian, and has the K-parve kosher marking.
I do not know if they make this on a dedicated line, but it does pass for
the kosher parve.  You could call the company to ask.  I know they have a
website.  We used to use the Soymage cheese too until this came out and the
Tofutti tastes and looks much better.   The color is realistic, not orangy
like the Soymage, & it melts much better.  A winner in our books.  I hope
that your son can try it.

Janice in TX