Asalaamu Alaikum,
      On behalf of the people of KC I would like to thank everyone who
travelled over to Kansas City to attend last weekend's Maulid Nabi
celebrations. Most of you left your family and work, we pray that the
sacrifice you have made does not go in vain.

       With the little rest and sleep we all had since Friday, I hope we
will all benefit from the knowledge and prayers showered by our
distinguished speakers. Infact most people thought Friday's was the only

       We would like to thank our guests from within the United States,
Gambia and Senegal. Our special thanks to Sherif Hydara, Imam Bai Secka,
Sulaymany George, Pa Sulayman Mboob, Alhagie Badou Njie, Sheikh Tijan
Badgie, Aji Mai Secka, Uncle Friah Njie, Dr Abdoulie Saine, Essa Mboob, Omar
Fye and the people they came with and/or represented. Without you, the event
would not have been this successful. Because of you, we are tempted to have
another one next week but it will stay fresh in our memories till next

        KC, I know you asked me to thank everyone who came but I would also
like to thank you in return because without your cooperation, help and
support, it would not have been successful and enjoyable and may Allah
reward you all.

        For copies of audio and video tapes, please send a private mail or
call 913 384-6288.

Akhlan Wa Sakhlan Wa Makhraban Bikum

Ebou Secka
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