Dirty Franks, NE corner of 13th and Pine.  No windows.
Gin & Tonic AND a Yuengling:  $4.50
And no skimping on the gin.

Sign me
-Shirley Temple
> Heidi Harendza wrote:
> >
> >
> > Did you get a chance to go into the snazzy new bar on the first floor? What
> > did you think?
> >
> >
> Beer in snazzy Art Deco bar, Yuengling Draft, $4.00.
> Beer in room refrigerator, Budweiser can, $13.50.
> Better to drink in public when in Philly.
> --
> F. Mitchener Wilds, Senior Restoration Specialist
> Restoration Branch
> State Historic Preservation Office
> 919/733-6547
> http://www.hpo.dcr.state.nc.us
> ***My opinions may not be those of my agency.***