<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recently wrote asking Celiac women about breast surgery and Celiac and
the possibility of auto immune responses.  Being that Celiac disease is an
autoimmune disease,  I wondered if any kind of implant in the body would
cause a different sort of reaction in a Celiac patient.  Thank you to all
who replied.  The women who had saline implants were by far the happiest
with their results.  Most of them had been diagnosed with celiac first,
and felt no difference once they had surgery.  The women who definitely had
problems,  all had problems from silicone implants.  These women had the
typical autoimmune disaster that caused the silicone implants to be pulled
from the market in the first place.  I feel for each of you and the
deception you must have felt at not being informed properly.  The symptoms
you describe,  I have been living with already from Celiac for several
years now..though certainly not as severe I am sure!  Some women are in the
process of preparing for implants as a result of cancer of the breast.  For
them,  this surgery means more than the fear of implants.  God bless you
and speed your recovery.  You are truly the brave.  For myself,  I have
never considered the silicone implants because I do not wish to take the
risk when I do not have too.  Saline seems to be the least rejected by the
body of a Celiac;  although these are not without trade-offs as well.  I
guess what I learned from my post is that silicone can be a huge problem
medically,  saline makes some women very happy,  and impants in general do
not seem to make or break the Celiac condition.

Elizabeth Polhemus