<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates:

Thank you! The overwhelming response was that salt craving, corn chips,
and weight gain is something many of us experience. This knowledge has
helped a lot.

>I have experienced exactly the same thing!  When I first started the GF
>diet (2 yrs. ago) I weighed only 103, I have now gained up to 130. I
>keep my weigh here by not eating too many sweets. As for the salt craving;
>I am so glad to hear someone else has experienced this.  I crave salt to
>the point of eating almost a bag of chips a day.  I asked my Dr. about
>this.  Of course, he says he's never heard of this before.  Anyway, he
>did blood test to see if my sodium was low and everything was fine.
>Blood pressure was fine. Only thing I can figure is that since on the GF
>diet you don't get alot of processed or salty foods, our bodies must
>crave salt.  Where as others eating "normal foods" are eating high sodium.
>Didn't seem to be a problem physically so I just keep on eating my
>By the way, my 14 yr. old daughter, also a celiac, craves salt and eats
>chips with me. Enjoy your  chips, I do!

>I was diagnosed back in May, and I was having the same
>problem.  I gained almost 10 pounds and I constantly
>crave salt. SO I also eat a lot of Tostitos.  In the
>past week or so I have tried to eat fruit when I crave
>salt, and I seem to be feeling better.  I am not sure
>if this will help, but I am hoping it will help me.

> Corn slow down your metabolism...suggest that he eat potato chips or
> other veggie chips...

> I gained 40 pounds in the first year after I went GF. I have now lost
> 15 of those pounds over a period of two and one half years. I did it
> by . . .excercise daily, eat sensibly at meals and stay away from
>stuff between meals. If I can do it, he can do it. My main motivation
>is keeping the blood pressure under control. I had normal blood
>pressure when I was skinny and did not know I had CD. When I gained
>those 40 lbs my blood pressure went up drastically.

Unfortuantely, I have had the same problem.  I gained 50 pounds before
it stopped.  The doctors explained that my body had been malnoutritioned
for so long that it was grabbing anything it oculd and holding on to it.
It really stinks, and you're right exercise doesn't help.  I have found
the Atkins diet particularly helpful in recent months.  It eliminates
those chips and such however, which makes eating more difficult.  I
would make sure his Thyroid is performing as it should and then try the
Atkins Diet!  Sorry to say it's true...this is what we have to look
forward to!  Good luck and god's peace!  Dawn

.  It's the body's way of telling you that you are, in fact, absorbing
your nutrients and becoming healthy-- most likely for the first time.
Additionally, muscles develop, which also adds weight, and the body
redistributes itself.  And then, depending on your age (I'm in my early
40's).... my metabolism changed on top of everything.

Needless to say, this, too shall change. Please remember that GF flours
have more than twice the caloric value that wheat flours do.
Additionally, GF pastas are very high in calories.

I've given up on the concept of ever getting back in to a size 8,
however, I'm happy, healthy and GF!

Same thing happened to me.  35#'s in 10 months.  Corn and rice were
the culprits making me gain.  I stopped eating those two things and
the weight gain stopped.  Went high protein and am now down 25#'s.
Also a mega multi vitamin-mineral will help the cravings.

body is finally healthy and absorbing calories/nutrition that it wasn't
able to before therefore causing weight gain.  Personally, my doctor
told me to be glad I am healthy and that weight gain is ok, as long as
it's not obese.  It should hopefully taper off.  I have cut back on my
breads and munchies and try to exercise even more... watch my calorie
intake which stinks because we're already limited to what we can eat.