<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everybody,

You are the greatest guys. It feels so good to know that there are
people out there that care. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I am
traveling again tomorrow, I wanted to post the summary before I leave.

I got about 35 answers so far. About one third says it may be
unrecognized food allergies or chemical allergies. One third says it is
the heart and one third says it could be hypoglycemia.  Several
mentioned panic or anxiety attacks that feel the same. And others
mentioned yeast or parasite. A few mentioned heart burn. It is probably
not the heart burn type pain I feel.

Just by gut feeling I believe it could be some unrecognized allergy, but
I made an appointment with a new doctor to check out the heart and lungs
and will post when I have results.

Four people gave me real good links which I put on the bottom. Check 'em
out, they are worth it.

thanks for carying

