-------Original Message-------
From: David Freels <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: necessity for double-blind controlled studies?

In a group of cp kids/adults aged 1 to 9 or 99 (or whatever range), have
they ever been given a drug or treatment or food or whatever and been told,
"At 10
treatments/dosages you'll be able to sit up on your own. At 20 treatments
you'll be able to stand unaided. At 30 treatments you'll be able to
walk."--and then has this group then in fact been given the equivalent of a
'sugar pill'--something of no theraputic value, something of no basis in
science--and has this population then improved from placebo?


David this is where a double blind cross over study will help you get your answers. In this case a pt. with CP will recieve a set amount of HBOT tx's as well as the same amount of placebo HBO tx's. Both sets will occur in the chamber. Both sets will have dives of equal length of time. The difference is one set will be pressurized O2 and the other will be just regular 02 pumped into the chamber. The results/improvements that occur after each session will be assessed after a equal amount of time with equal measurement standard for evaluation. The same child in other words will recieve both HBO and placebo HBO and none of the participants will know which is which. Then we could all take the results and/or make up our minds on wether to seek out this tx based on these results. This way any type of CP, any age of the patient, can participant as the person will recieve both HBO as well as placebo HBO.


"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form
of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson, an early advocate of
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
David Freels
2948 Windfield Circle
Tucker, GA 30084-6714
770/491-6776 (phone and fax)
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"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form
of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson, an early advocate of
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
David Freels
2948 Windfield Circle
Tucker, GA 30084-6714
770/491-6776 (phone and fax)
509/275-1618 (efax, sends fax as email attachment)
[log in to unmask]

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