Stacie Tolen wrote:
>Please consider the information in this article before consuming a megadose
>of vitamin C. Also, Mary Craddock mentioned green tea, which >is actually a
>more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C and therefore >a better choice for
>fighting infection and supporting immunity. >Grapeseed extract is also a
>powerful antioxidant.

I believe that a high dose multi is part of a good health program.
The link
above suggested something like 100mg per day for a vit C dose.  I
think that
is way to low, although a number of factors must be considered.

Since we all vary genetically, there is no 1 single vit C dose for
  People who weight train and/or perform cardio on a regular basis
far more vit C (along with all of the other micronutrients) than those
are inactive.

I take 3 scoops of the Life Extension Mix (
noon, and night for maintenance.  During dieting, colds, flus, etc I
up it
to 6 scoops per day.  The RDAs are the minimal amount requirred to
avoid a deficiency - this is far less than what is requirred for the
body to
function optimally.

My .02,
Justin Hasselman