Hey, Al, now you have ME laughing! My husband is part
british, i'm suprised me never mentioned it!

>I'm still laughing.... !
>I come from the North East of England.  Imagine a scene from Victorian
>times... lots of streets of terrace houses, 2 rooms upstairs, 2 room
>downstairs. Mother is washing a dirty child in a tin bath in the front room
>by the coal fire. Father is on his way home from the pit.
>This is an era before we had bathrooms with inside toilets so  people used
>to nip outside to the bottom of the yard and use the outside loo. This
>built outside toilet was called a "netty". It's a term that's just used in
>that part of England.
>The term is still in use even though we now have inside bathrooms (in most
>The phase "built like a brick netty" is one that is sometimes used to
>describe a rather large and stocky person.
>Enjoy your Neti pot ;-)