On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Andy wrote:

> > And that is perfectly possible, for all that ID theory has to say
> > about it, and also assuming that we can make this
> > "inside/outside" boundary that you are talking about
> > intelligible.
> If ID theory allows for non resident designers, then since their existence can
> not be "falsified through empirical observation", it has left the realm of
> science and become indistinguishable from creationism.

Certainly ID *allows for* nonresident designers; but it doesn't
*require* them.  I agree that as soon as one moves from a simple
design inference to claims about the identity of the designer,
once has crossed the line between ID and creationism.

And again, this assumes that we can make sense of your
distinction between inside and outside the universe.

Todd Moody
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