On Fri, 22 Sep 2000 11:05:37 +0100, Andy <[log in to unmask]>

>One can not say that ID theory makes no assumptions about the
>identity of the designer and is also scientific. If ID theory is scientific,
>then any designer must reside within the universe.

We have hit on another of the biggest popular myths about religion -
due to the fact that colleges no longer require any philosophical or

In every religion that I have heard of, the "designer" resides within
universe.   In some religions, the "designer" ALSO resides outside the
at the same time.   This is called "immanence and transcendence".

In some religions, the universe ITSELF is intelligent.   Therefore,
"design" and
change can occur the same way that we choose our clothes in the
morning.  (Is it
"supernatural" when we choose our clothes in the morning?)

One of the odd aspects of the last 50 years, is that the version of
intended for small children and simpletons (the old man with the white
beard in
the sky who is going to hit you over the knuckles if you are naughty)
is now the
only one taught; sophisticated philosophy is no longer taught at all -
leaves the average intellectual person with materialism as their
apparent only
possible choice...


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