"God" also made available some other things, including suicide,
nonconsensual tickling, etc.  Perhaps your co-worker hasn't thought
this question very clearly yet.


An alien implant forced Wally Day to write:
> Actually, there is a very definite relationship
> between paleo and religion. One that I had not
> anticipated.
> I was relating the basic paleo theories to a
> co-worker. She had alsways *seemed* very intelligent
> and open-minded to me, but when it came to my paleo
> discussions, she suddenly became very close-minded.
> I wondered why. Was it because of the "evolution"
> angle? I was ready to respond to that. No, it wasn't
> that. So, what was it? It was because, as she put it,
> "I believe that all those foods were made available to
> us (by God)".
> Not very scientific, or reasonable for that matter.
> How is it possible to get past that kind of thinking?