On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:31:10 EDT, S. Feldman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

><< Some big enzymes are assumed to pass too. >>
>Which might those be?

I refer to the man who invented the "drug" Wobenzym.
Which is a composition of various enzymes, mades of various glands
of animals.
I've read his book (the title and Author i can tell you later if you
where he claims that these enzymes (seemingly, obviously) are not
digested, but assimilated and carry on a task in the body.
Some of the enzymes are made of several thousand amino acids.

I made the experience that after one half year of pain in my back
(i had a herniated disc) and various attempts of cure this, wobenzym
at last.

I tried injections, massage, osteopathic treatment, 1 week in the
various allopathic medications.
But the enzymes helped.
Therefore i suppose they must have passed into my system instead of
