Dear Group,

     I concurrently belong to another list which focuses on thyroid

I am currently hypothyroid, and have been since this winter, following
my remission and
recovery from Hodgkins Lymphoma and the subsequent radiation therapy
on my chest and
neck.  I switched to a paleo diet as soon as I came out of the
hospital in August, 99,
at which time my thryoid function was normal.  However, as the months
progressed, my
thryoid hormone levels have gone downhill - TSH went from 1.77 in
August, 99 to 4.94 in
January, to 9.74 in March, to 2.1 in April (began Herbs) to 4.74 in
July,2000 (still on
Herbs). The hospital range of normal is .3-4.7.

I am controlling my thyroid levels with a prescribed formula of
Chinese Herbs plus
paleo.  I take them 3X per day, and so far, so good.  However, on the
other  thyroid
list, there seems to be the opinion that the best diet to accompany
any hypothyproid
condition is low animal protein, and the standard grain, bean agenda.

I am very confused by all the info out there, and by my blood levels.
My doctor says
that he could do 10 blood draws in a week from me, and each  TSH
reading can be
different, so he wants me to focus more on symptoms - rapid heartbeat,
lethargy, hair
loss, weight gain, inability to take a deep breath, blurry vision,
inablility to adjust
to temperature flux. .  I have experienced all of these symptoms in
varying degrees on
and off, but to a  far lesser degree with the herbs.

So, here's the question - does anyone with a Paleo & medical
background haved any
insight if the TSH  is not responding to the paleo diet, or is the
thyroid going
downhill despite what I eat.  Do any of you eat some grain with a
paleo diet and notice
any difference in your energy levels?

I notice that when I eat meats, I naturally don't want any grain, but
after too long
eating low- medium  carb paleo, I really seem to need  a bowl of beans
once in a while.
Even if I eat starchier fruits.  Low carb paleo  seems to really
excacerbate the
hypothyroid symptoms. Even starchier "paleo correct foods"  like
carrots doesn't help
me.  However, if I eat some grain & veggie meal  as an experiment, I
don't want any
animal protein at all and feel calmer.  Why is this?

My typical routine is:

Breakfast:  4 ounces wild salmon
                  cooked greens ( 1 cup)
                  some starchy root (1/2 cup)
                  sunflower seed yogurt or 1 TB cod liver oil
                  1 tomato with handful chopped dulse

Lunch:         4 ounces chicken or tuna on a heap of salad greens
                   1/4 - 1/2 avocado
                    more chopped dulse
                    1 tomato

Snack:         1 apple with 1/2 cup raw almond butter

Dinner:          4-8 ounces grass fed meat (lamb, bison, cow) or more
fish ( halibut )
                     heap of organic salad
                     olive oil & lemon dressing
                     cooked spinach, or kale or whatever greens are
ripe in the garden

Snack:           1 banana with 3 tsp.  raw organic  almond butter
                      or 1 mango with 1/2 cup coconut milk
                      or 1 cup fresh blueberries with 3 tsp. almond

My doc is sympathetic to alternative medicine, and is willing to
prescribe Armour pig
thyroid  rather than Synthroid, if the herbs become ineffective.  I,
on the other hand,
would like to avoid the whole scene, and wonder if anyone on this list
has "saved" a
sluggish thyroid with just diet alone.  O.K., in my case factor in
that my thryoid was
bombarded for 20 days by radiation, despite a lead shield that was
placed over the
"attack" field to protect the thyroid .....  I feel best when my TSH
is below 2,  but
my doc is happy as long as its in the 4-5 range.

BTW, I eat sea vegetables and use Celtic Salt daily for iodine.

My Chinese herbalist says that the thryoid is controlled by the
adrenals, which are
controlled by the kidneys. Strenghtening  kidney weakness resulting
from chemotherapy
is the target of her formula determination for me.

Sorry for the length of this message, but I figured the more
information I gave you at
the onset, the more comprehensive the replies.

Thank you all in advance,

Judy Genova, cavegirl