>Tell me more about your auto-immune process that you mentioned.... You said
>that you "manifested the autoimmune process".... as if you somehow wanted
>to happen, or that your body (or mind) made it happen.

Not easy to demonstrate , I am clear myself about my responsibilitee
in my
experience , in fact i believe that i am 100 percent responsible for
happens to me ,100 percent responsable for my reality. Now the
question is
who is I?
the decision maker ,the mind who choose to select from the great
what is going to be manifested.experienced
Okay now being more concrete.

I can see that i was getting something out of being a victim , so when
things got tough ( being abandonned by my partner ) i looked for pity
getting miserable , depressed and started to procrastinate , stuffed
with numbing foods.
But under neath that ,  my adrenals glands were certainly hyper
hormones ready for action , anger was there ready to be expressed and
get me
out of this painfulll situation.
Because i internalised very early that getting angry ( or even crying
help ), when things were not feeling right ( like any baby know how to
you know ) , was not cool   , I had no other outlet than turning the
inward and made myself wrong .
3 years of that regimen and one numbing meal too much and i collapsed
my adrenals
In some way despite the " non sens " of it,  destroying my adrenals
saved my life because i end up unconscious enough for somebody coming
rescue me and send me to the hospital. Somewhere i succeded to what i
unconsciously wishing ( in a very tortuous manner.) from the beginning
 getting help ).
Whatb is interesting is that every decisions that i made at that time
contributed to that sad result : becoming a vegetarian, deprived
myself from
getting an other partner, breaking my relationship with my parents ,
quitting my studies to be a sport teacher , quitting soccer ( as a
professional player, so depriving myself of a powerfull outlet  of
hormones  ) going to work as a special educateur with deply mentally
retarded teen agers, refusing to go to the army and risking prison and
and on ...

Enough to shut down the most powerfull will to live .
The same powerfull enregy responsible for us to be organised can
desintegrate this beautifull "oeuvre d'art"  in an  apparent chaos.

>That's so interesting. I have MS which is an auto-immune process and I've
>often wondered if it has come about partly because of my emotional stresses
>as much as from food choices.

The fact that you wonder is a strong indication that our choices even
most unconscious ones are consciously chosen at one point to be then
right away.( by our conscious sens of self)
At first to realise that we are responsible for what hapens to us is,
to say
the least , unsettling , but that is the key to healing ( if i am
to create my own reality ,i can change it .
all what i say doesnt makes any sens if you limit your conception of
self to
your material limits your body ,your brain.
you have 1rst to accept that you are bigger than that . Without that
you ARE a victime .
>Have you overcome your immune system problems?

my adrenal and thyroid  glands  are still considered as dead ( as long
i am
taking artificial hormones there is no way to know and it is 19 years
now .)
But i am feeling that i might have stopped the autodestructive process
 other glands failure are expected ).
But even that as long i didn't learn the lesson completly i am on the
 i experienced relapse)
The thing is that i might or not overcome the physical disease but at
point ,it doesn't matter really , the healing can occur anyway despite

I didn't met one doctor interested in the question of why  an owner '
system turns against itself. So i am on my own!
,For them,  i got the pils, i am alive , the text books says that you
live  a normal live ( even when the reality of addisonians are quite
diferent) what more do you want?
 Evolutive degenerative disease? no worry we can fix you when other
will break down :  osteoporosis? take calcium , ( sorry we forgot to
you that long term cortisone intake might interfere with your bone
diabetic? ( we have insuline and diets for that. etc...

By the way the normal  minimum dosage for artificial cortisone intake
is 20
mg ,i am now on 17.5 since may. ( thanks to the biology of emotions )
