On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:32:52 -0700, Ken Stuart <[log in to unmask]>

>On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 15:21:01 -0400, Brad Cooley <[log in to unmask]>
>>The context of my original message is that, in simple terms, food, methods
>>of food acquisition, and other factors affect culture which in turn
>>that culture's religion.
>It affects the social implementation details of the religion (eg what day
of the
>week people go to collective worship), not the overall structure or
>of the religion.

It affects whether the religion is polytheistic or monotheistic,
there are sacrifices, the type of sacrifices, whether a religious
exists or a single shaman, etc.  It affects many aspects of the

>>If "religion" is not a "set of beliefs", what is it?  a set of truths?  a
>>set of rules?  a set of best guesses?  a set of empirical observations?
>>"Religion" is a set of beliefs.  "Religion" is not like the laws of
>It's certainly a set of empirical observations, just like the laws of

Wrong.  The laws of thermodynamics apply to all people (and things) in
same way.  All thermodynamic systems behave according to the laws of
thermodynamics.  That is why it is a law.

Christianity does not apply to all people in the same way.  It does
apply to Buddhists or Pygmies, for example.  That is why it is a
or a set of beliefs.

I apologize to the list for this being off-topic and will refrain from
further responses.
