Jean Claude,

Tell me more about your auto-immune process that you mentioned.... You
that you "manifested the autoimmune process".... as if you somehow
wanted it
to happen, or that your body (or mind) made it happen.

That's so interesting. I have MS which is an auto-immune process and
often wondered if it has come about partly because of my emotional
as much as from food choices.

Have you overcome your immune system problems?

Please tell me more (privately if you'd prefer....)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [P-F] Veggie Victims?
> i was scared of death at the same time that somewhere i wished i was .
> When i manifested that thru an autoimmune process and got clos to death ,
> started to realise that the death,  i was afraid of was not the physical
> death  ( i was attracted to it as a solution ) but  of my own aliveness
> my own anger to want a vengeance.
> I was trying to make myself as pure and innocent as possible so the
> with the torturer was more stricking .