> This interests me.  As I understand it, and I don't
> claim to understand
> much,  lectins are in lots of (almost all?) foods
> including vegetables and
> fruit.

I'm not sure about the "almost all" part, but yes,
lectins are present in a number of foods. The proper
phrase should not be "this food has lectins", but
rather "this food has lectins which -in some fashion-
adversely effect the human body".

If you read the article thoroughly, you will note that
some lectins have an adverse effect only *under
certain conditions*. To me (and I am in no means an
expert) this means that not enough is known yet about
lectins to broadly classify them as antigens or
anti-nutrients. After all, much the same mistake was
made regarding cholesterol (it is present, therefore
it must be the "bad guy").