In a message dated 9/16/00 4:34:01 PM CST, [log in to unmask]

<< Cook the eggs over moderate heat, don't use high heat.  Take them
off the
 stove while still softly cooked, not hard cooked.  In the context of
 foods eaten, even if a small amount of the cholesterol in the yolk in
 oxidized, it's not a significant risk.  Some experts suggest soft
 or cooking sunny side up to preserve the integrity of more fatty
acids in
 the yolk, particularly if you are using DHA rich eggs.

  When hardboiling---avoid overcooking the eggs.  Start whole eggs in
 shell in cold water.  Bring to boil.  Boil for 2-3 minutes, then turn
 let stand in the hot water 10-15 minutes, then plunge in cold water,
 shell and refrigerate.

 Rachel >>

thanks for the response, Rachel.