>Older women who desire a hormonal boost respond well to a progesterones such
>as nandrolone decanoate (brand name: Deca Durabolin).  At a typical dosage
>of 50mg injected intramuscularly every 5th or 6th day women experience
>increased lean body mass, fat loss, increase in appetite, improved immune
>function, increased libido, and all sorts of things.

>My advice to women considering hormone replacement therapy is this: don't
>believe myself or Rachel.  Try both methods for yourself.  First try not
>using any form of HRT.  Then try using a little nandrolone.  Make sure your
>doctor is knowledgable with HRT and can watch for potential sides and
>manipulate your dosaging schedule accordingly.

>Justin Hasselman


Nandrolone is one hell of a long way from natural progesterone, and
something to be considered lightly. You betcha they'll increase lean
mass, along with aggressive tendencies, body hair, and deeper voices.
go ahead and try steroids, if you want to forever damage your natural
female characteristics, render yourself illegal for participation in
recognized sport, and find everyday shaving a necessity.

This has nothing to do with leading a biologically and functionally
life as a female human. And yeah, it probably feels great for a while.
I doubt it's an answer.

ginny and Tomo

All stunts performed without a net!