On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Ben Balzer wrote:
> Peas are NOT paleo, neither are Snow peas (which I presume are the same as
> snap peas- flat peas with tiny peas inside. Very tasty, but not paleo. Maybe
> the shells are palo but the seeds are not as most seeds are inedible raw,
> the only exception being the edible shell nuts. ALL LEGUMES ARE NON-PALEO.
> This is referenced from Loren Cordain, and also from my lectin research. All
> peas contain lectins that affect humans, ie they are toxic to us and
> therefore not paleo.

Ben, this is a non sequitur.  The only thing that makes a food
"paleo" is whether it was eaten by our paleolithic ancestors,
with the added assumption that if it *could* have been eaten by
them, it probably was.

If some legumes could have been eaten by paleolithic humans then
they are paleo, regardless of what modern research has to say
about them.  There may well be reasons to avoid certain paleo
foods, but those reasons are irrelevant to the food choices that
were made by paleolithic people.

Todd Moody
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