My father used to grow lots of veggies in our garden. I used to love
the pea pods and eating the fresh, raw peas inside. They tasted
and I preferred them to cooked peas.

Are we saying they were inedible?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Balzer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [P-F] Grain free. Peas are NOT PALEO

> Date:    Sat, 16 Sep 2000 16:54:47 -0700
> From:    Ken Stuart <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: grain free.
> Peas are NOT paleo, neither are Snow peas (which I presume are the same as
> snap peas- flat peas with tiny peas inside. Very tasty, but not paleo.
> the shells are palo but the seeds are not as most seeds are inedible raw,
> the only exception being the edible shell nuts. ALL LEGUMES ARE NON-PALEO.
> This is referenced from Loren Cordain, and also from my lectin research.
> peas contain lectins that affect humans, ie they are toxic to us and
> therefore not paleo. Edible nuts have lectins too, but there is no data
> available that those partiucular lectins affect us, although I would like
> see more data. Like many things, if they don't cause problems, you won't
> much research on them. Peas also contain other toxins. OVerall peas are
> toxic than potatoes, beans (esp soybeans aka death on a stick) and
> That's why I sometimes call myself Ben the seed hater.
> Ref:
> Ben Balzer
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 19:23:44 EDT, Stacie Tolen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >all legumes with the possible exception of garden
> >peas and sugar snap peas should be avoided on paleo.
> Why should those be exceptions ?
> PS Some say that "Ezekiel" breads, ie breads composed entirely of sprouted
> grains, are "paleo", since the sprouts are edible raw. Since they are
> reported
> to be free of the lectins found in grains and grain products, there might
> some truth in that idea...