Grapes are especially bad; more than a
>small handfull and I feel bloated.  Other people do fine.  We're all
>different, obviously.

There is grape and grape.,the north american varieties of table grape
nothing to do with real grapes. They have been bred to just be sweet,
seedless , to last long on the shell, without any aroma.
no wonder they don't do good .
In comparaison with a good dark juices of a French wine grape ,it is
any flavor.
The seeds themselves are so nourishing and fulfilling  to chew .(
oily) that
the insuline response co uld not just be   the same even if the sugar
content was the same.
A real grape is more like a berry, a rich dark nectar.full of minerals
might be responsible for "the french paradoxe" relative protection
cardovascular diseases.
It is easy to propagate from a cutting taken in the  fall or winter
burried in moist soil,
and it become so prolific that you will have never to buy again  those
plastic creation of the agrobusiness.