nervegas <[log in to unmask]> posted:

>>I've been on Paleo for around 8 months now (did it before, but due to sorry
>> and not-so-sorry excuses, I've dropped it on and off).
>> My original reason to get on paleo eating was weight loss. I have about 30
>> pounds to lose (I,m 24 years old, 5'5", 150 pounds on a very small frame).
>> Unfortunately, all variations of paleo have been failures so far:

>> I wonder if paleo's for all. I seem to do rather well on very low-fat (with
>> limited carbs, such as Scarsdale). I never got tested for cholesterol and
>> such, however.

I'm baffled.  My mother did the Scarsdale diet on and off (diet/binge
for years when I was growing up.  That diet allowed steak, burgers,
cheese, salads, cooked veggies, fruit, etc.  I recall some of the
vividly and recall trying it for a week or so when in high school
(before I
really needed to diet!!).  It was not a non-fat diet.

I don't know why you can't follow whatever his principles are with
natural foods.  The 1/2 slice of Protein toast at breakfast with the
grapefruit (on the Scarsdale diet) is not the key to the diet's
success.  As
I recall, it's a low calorie diet with 3 meals a day, controlled carb
(no high glycemic carbs).  I ate the burgers minus the bun at a
back then, with salad....

There are many ways to "do" a paleo diet...  Your list of things you
is willy-nilly.  Readers won't know what you did when, what all the
variables were, etc.... If you want to do low fat, high protein, low
moderate carb, there's no one stopping you.... many people on this
list do
that.  We don't all eat bacon every day; some of us don't eat much
when we do it; some go light on the oil; some eat light meat, some eat
meat, some eat both....  There are many ways to "skin a cat" as they

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