"J. Rittelmeyer" <[log in to unmask]> posted this:
> I'm new to the paleo list.  I am considering the paleo diet.  Currently =
> I do not eat any gluten, soy or dairy.  I am a 43 year old suburban =
> housewide, and do a moderate amount of exercise (off road biking, =
> swimming & running).
> I'm wondering if I can get enough "fuel" from the paleo diet to continue =
> my current (moderate) physical activity level if I have to give up all =
> the rice I eat?

If you have a mouth, teeth, and enjoy eating, you should have no
getting enough energy (calories) on a paleo diet.  Rice is not the
only food
with calories (beyond vegetables)!!  There are a lot of active people
(recreational and competitive athletes) who have chosed to follow a
diet.  There are plenty of food to eat on a paleo diet---more types of
veggies and fruits than you or I can count!  There are a zillion types
protein foods, many varieties of fish, poultry, and meat to eat.

>>Also, doesn't meat and nuts have a lot of fat?  =
> Wouldn't I have to increase my exercise level from the moderate to the =
> extreme level in order to burn off all the fat from the  meat and =
> nuts--otherwise wouldn't I gain weight?

You'd only have to increase your exercise if you  add more meat and
fat to
your current diet without removing any other foods/sources of
calories. If
you adopt a paleo diet, you would be replacing rice and other grains,
sugars, white potatoes, beans, etc. with protein rich foods and
fats.  If you want to keep your calorie intake as it is, you can do

There are lean means on the market.  You know about turkey and chicken
breast and 92% and 96% lean ground beef? :_)))  Round and loin cuts of
beef?  Bison?  Ostrich?  Wild game?  Grassfed meat?

Go to the site <www.laurasleanbeef.com> for widely available lean,
and antibiotic free beef sold in many supermarkets.  Also go to
<www.eatwild.com> for sources for grassfed beef, lamb, and poultry
which is
leaner than grainfed counterparts and even more nutrient dense.

Do you like fish?  That's a perfectly paleo food, even the oily, deep
fish like salmon.  The fats in it are very healthful.  You have to ask
wild salmon (fish markets can order it in); most markets sell farmed
which contain little or no essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA.

> Also, due to a former case of systemic candida, I haven't found any nuts =
> that I can still tolerate?  Maybe paleo diet would be too difficult if I =
> only ate meat and veggies?   Also, I love being dairy free--that's by =
> choice, not by necessity.  I I seem to breath easier without the dairy.

There is nothing difficult or limiting about a paleo diet devoid of
You can use olive oil, unrefined coconut butter, fish oil, flax oil if
like. (Just don't heat flax or fish oil; use them only at the table on
salads...).  There are tons of herbs, spices and seasonings you can
use for
variety. Coconut milk and coconut butter are unlikely to cause any
They contain fatty acids with antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial

There is no requirement to do dairy. Paleo purists avoid it.  Others
use it
on occasion, when dining out or for a treat.
