>From: Christy ten Broeke <[log in to unmask]>

>Eating lean meat only will keep you hungry a lot and will make it harder to
>continue the diet. Eating a certain amount of fat will make you feel fuller
>helps the intake of vitamins in the intestions. Eating only very lean and
>of veggies can be very very hard.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV (pa dum dum, *chhh*) but
I've been
following this thread with interest.  If I may, here's some skinny
Eades & Eades and a member of their staff.

For quite a long period in human time, the meat they ate was much
higher in
fat than certain meats available today.  The bigger the animal, the
the fat content.  Look at (or imagine, in this case) the mammoth.
That and
other animals were the primary kill and contained plenty of fat.
Then, they
went the way of the dodo bird.  That's just a fact.  Eades and Eades
out that some paleo researchers tend to forget this and promote lower
ideal fat consumption.  Sorry, but they point to their close friend
Cordain on this.

He has a body made of steel and does just fine with relatively low
But to help a patient lose weight, they go for high fat, moderate
and low carbs, about 30g a day.  Those familiar with the first Protein
book remember the formulas; determine LBM (lean body mass) and eat the
protein needed to support it.  Eat about 30g healthy carbs a day.  The
of your required caloric intake?  Sorry, it comes from fat.  Ron
MD at Eades & Eades treatment center in Boulder says this is about the
thing that works for major weight loss.

The fact that fat helps you lose weight in most of the low-carb books.
just do a better job than others explaining why.  Yes, you have to
your calories.  But don't cut fat because it makes you fat; it
Drizzle some olive oil on your salmon, just don't drizzle too much.
don't eat it without some fat, either.  If nothing else, it makes it

Dori Zook
Denver, CO