In response this post:

<<Date:    Fri, 15 Sep 2000 12:01:13 -0700
From:    Lynda Bryson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Nature and cruelty>>

<<You know, for some one who is so upset at the idea that you must
kill meat
in order to eat it, you may be happier taking your delicate

I'll respond only to this post keeping the others in mind.  Several
have jumped to conclusions about my post.  Read my original post again
- I
didn't say I was against killing animals on that post.  The way in
which the
bear was being killed - spearing and with the use of dogs I found
cruel for
both the bear and the dogs.  When did it become a crime to have
I was wondering why not shoot the bear and end his life quickly.  I'm
saying I agree with this either, but the point of my post was not to
people killing animals to eat meat, but rather about the unnecessary
suffering of the animals - meaning, a long lingering death.  I didn't
still don't understand the point and I don't believe in it.  I have

<<Must you post the same thing three seperate times? Is this to give
impression of an outcry of protest??  Do you know where you are? >>

Forgive me - I sent 2 posts and they were both returned as errors, so
I sent
a 3rd, not realizing that all 3 would end up being posted.  They were
slightly different because I was retyping them and trying to be less
You admitted, you read each of my 3 posts, didn't
what my point was?  Hmmmm

<<The term "PETA plant" pops to mind.>>

I'm not associated in any way with PETA.

<<I wondered the same thing, considering the person's e-mail addy --

If you have ever done any reading, maybe you've heard of James
Herriot.  He
was a veterinarian in Scotland and wrote a few books about his life
and his
practice.  This is where my screen name AllCreatures comes from (All
Creatures Great and Small, etc.) - I greatly enjoyed his books,
nothing more,
nothing less.

<<Some of the BARF lists now have closed subscription so the list
owners can
screen who's joining.>>

If you had screened me, what would you have found out?  That I don't
care for
cruelty against humans and animals?  I'm laughing here, but this whole
is kind of pathetic really.  I will not respond to any more of these
immature, defensive, and ridiculous posts.  Please read each post
twice to be
sure you understand it before unnecessarily attacking somebody, as in
case.  I am a new member and was simply trying to learn.  As a new
member, I
am amazed at the rudeness of several members.

To all the others who have helped me directly and indirectly, thank
you very
much.  I've enjoyed tremendously reading many posts on here.  I am
impressed at the knowledge of many of the members and have learned a